Monday, July 30, 2012

Three Steps to Stare Down the Fear of Business Negotiation

7:00 PM By Article Directory

'; div.innerHTML = summary; } //]]> Three Steps to Stare Down the Fear of Business Negotiation Three Steps to Stare Down the Fear of Business Negotiation

It's a fact: 70% of people prefer to avoid negotiation entirely. Just wish it would go away. It's either a fear of losing, fear of embarrassment or fear of "overstepping" that drives this avoidance. Because somewhere buried deep inside us is a voice that says "don't lose", "don't mess it up" or "don't ask - you might offend".

"Pound me once shame on you, pound me twice shame on me". So we avoid.

Negotiation at its best is a wonderful tool to improve the bottom line while moving relationships forward. I've seen it, done it and reaped the can to. But to get there you've got to overcome fear. We do that with a 3 step plan:

1) Conscious Approach. Face fears straight-on by raising them to the level of consciousness and then stare them down. Like this, "OK, I don't like this because I'm worried about making a mistake and losing. But we have an opportunity to make some financial gains, and expand the relationship so we both grow. So I'm going to do this, even though I don't want to." Here's the key...when fears rattle around in our sub-conscious they subtly, insidiously defeat us. When we look them in the eye, we defeat them.

2) Leverage Zone. Once we've stared our fears down, we need strength to get it done. And that happens by pumping up my leverage zone. Leverage Zone are those characteristics and advantages that are uniquely ours, and provide leverage. We identify them, document them and celebrate them. Enter leverage.

3) Embrace the Process. Conscious Approach and Leverage Zone are a great start. But by themselves they are not enough. We overcome fear with a third "whammy" which is process. One that is reliable, repeatable and practical. And the best way to do that is through what I call "Aggressive Preparation". Not aggressive with other people, but aggressive with ourselves in order to do the heavy lifting during preparation that makes negotiation productive.

It can be done. But first you need to gain the tools and tactics to drill out natural fears and make negotiation work for you.


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